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find siteroot/administrator/components/com_joomlaxplorer/.config/conf.php

edit it, I commented out the code that figures out what the document root is to be and manually inserted my own. Tacky
and not as elegant as the author, but I'm a noobie to PHP.

here is a sample..

// !Note! This has been changed since joomlaXplorer 1.3.0
// and now grants access to all directories for one level ABOVE this Site
// $dir_above = substr( $mosConfig_absolute_path, 0, strrpos( $mosConfig_absolute_path, $GLOBALS["separator"] ));
// if( !@is_readable($dir_above)) {
// $GLOBALS["home_dir"] = $mosConfig_absolute_path;
// the url corresponding with the home directory: (no trailing '/')
// $GLOBALS["home_url"] = $mosConfig_live_site;
// }
// else {
// $GLOBALS["home_dir"] = $dir_above;
// the url corresponding with the home directory: (no trailing '/')
// $GLOBALS["home_url"] = substr( $mosConfig_live_site, 0, strrpos($mosConfig_live_site, '/'));
// }
$GLOBALS["home_dir"] = "/var/www/yoursite/";
$GLOBALS["home_url"] = "http://www.yoursite.com/";

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